JOC Print Commander - Save a 75-80% of you paper bill!
JOC Print Commander 2.40, is a Real MUST HAVE utility for HP Lasers and Deskjets.

Key Features
- Saves an 75-80% of your paper bill
- Multiple file printing (Can print up 100 files in the same directory!)
- Great for printing documentation, source code, etc.
- In most cases a 70 K text file can be printed in 3 sheets using both sides.
- Multiple columns (1-5).
- Also prints booklets.
- Includes a powerful file manager, Pull-down menus, Hypertext Help. Mouse, etc.
- Fast, compact and easy to use.
- Save the trees! Use this program.
- Mouse support, Screensaver, Calculator, Calendar, Ascii table
- Y2K Compatible.